Nan Beth Walton, 1949-2023

Dear Seattle Bach Choir Members and Supporters, We share sad news of the passing from life to death of our beloved colleague Nan Beth Walton. Nan Beth was a singer in Seattle Bach Choir for many years, also serving on the board and as board president. She was an amazingly talented singer with a beautiful, expressive voice. She was also […]

Seattle Bach Choir March 2023 Concert Video is Live

The Seattle Bach Choir’s March performance is now available to view here (7 videos). Especially exciting this season, the program’s three Bach motets, Bach’s “Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf,” BWV 226, “Komm, Jesu, komm,” BWV 229, and “Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden,” BWV 230, were accompanied by the masterful shadow puppet creations of the Paper Puppet Opera. Also performed […]

Welcome to our Updated Website!

The website update went very well, with only one small hitch that was fixed by Saturday afternoon. We hope you like the new look, and especially the added Samples page, where you can hear some of our singing. We also re-ordered the main menus somewhat to make them a little more compact and easy to navigate. Please let us know […]

Website Update

Just a quick note to let you know that we will be updating this website this coming weekend! The Seattle Bach Choir’s website has remained mostly unchanged for several years now, and it’s getting pretty long in the tooth. While it still appears fine, the WordPress Theme that we use has not had an update in years, so it has […]