
These are the first 3 movements of Bach’s Jesu meine Freude, recorded from our concert titled Motets III in June 2023.

Jesu meine Freude – JS Bach
Es ist nun nichts – JS Bach
Unter deinem Shirmen – JS Bach

Here are 3 samples from our concert in November 2022. The first is a Bach motet with baroque orchestra accompaniment, the next is an earlier, a cappella piece, and the last is a more recent piece by British composer Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Singet dem Herrn – JS Bach
In illo tempore – Morales
Come away, death – Vaughan Williams

From our June 2022 concert titled Moritz and Madrigals, here is an a cappella piece called Benedetto sia’l giorno by Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel Moritz (1572-1632), patron of Heinrich Schütz:

From our March 2022 concert titled Marry & Bury, the initial chorus, “In allen meinen Taten”, and final chorale, “So sei nun, Seele, deine” from J S Bach’s cantata, In allen meinen Taten:

Initial Chorus
Final Chorale